and I am back. Sorry I was gone for so long, but Christmas and life will do that. Speaking of Christmas, this was probably the best one that I have had in recent memory. For the first time in a while everyone was just happy. My mom said that this was the first Christmas that she was actually looking forward to in quite some time, and I think it definitely exceeded expectations. I did some great training last week and am eager to hit our WOD's 5 days a week in the new year. Speaking of which here was the deal today:
Helen - with a 62lb Bell.
8:54 I should have gone much faster. Kipping pullups are killing me. I really need to be better at these. It really pisses me off that I am not faster at kipping. This is a workout that is made for me. On another note I did pretty well with the heavy ass bell. Felt good to stay strong during a workout that afterwards made me want to vomit everywhere.
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, Dry Fasting | THRR205
11 hours ago