Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Couple Thoughts

So yesterday in the freezing bitterly cold evening with Kstar, we did an interesting little experiment. Here was the Interval

5 pike pushups
3 Thrusters L/R (each arm with 50lb DB)
2 steps with a push press L/R with 50 lb DB (total 4 step ups.
Rest ~1 Minute

Slowest time 49 seconds, fastest time 33 seconds.

Basically we had to beat our own times each time. The penalty was ten burpees. I failed once, but then it was double or nothing on burpees in the last round. I think we did about 8 rounds. The test involved the fact that under pressure we can perform significantly more work (or in this case faster work) than we can not under pressure. This was a fun little test, even if I was freezing my balls off.

This morning we did the following:
With 50lb Dumbells
5 Deadlifts
5 Push Press
10 pullups
15 Box jumps

This was not fastest enough. I was totally held up by the pullups. This is completely unacepptable. I never let myself rest more than 5 seconds between exercises. Need to get this down to three seconds. Also, I needed to do the work completely unbroken. Next time.

Tonight is another fun WOD by Kelly. I think my plan is to destroy myself this week. Awesome!!

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