Finally, I am posting again. I am going to be a little more religious, because I know that I have been slacking for the last month or so. Anyway, the program today was as follows:
Coach: Boz
WOD: 15 minutes - fence run, 15 Box jumps, 15 kb swings amrap
I think I did six plus a run, I know that I was one set behind Eric, he said he did 8, so in that case I did 7. Doesn't matter, it was alot, and it was with the infinitely heavier 62lb KB. That thing was much much harder than a 52er. Boz was on me to only rest for three seconds. This has been my biggest problem, too much rest.
This is actually an interesting time in my own personal crossfit development. I have gotten to the point where I should be increasing weight to get to the as rx weights, but I should also be moving into more of the hardcore non rest status. I am definitely still loving crossfit and everything that it is about, but I don't know if I want to be any more 'hardcore' than I already am. I come five days a week, always give it everything I have, eat well and enjoy the people. If I eek out that extra bit of time on a daily basis is it really going to make me any happier. Maybe from the standpoint that I actually did give every little ounce that I had.
I guess I will find out over the next two months.
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, Dry Fasting | THRR205
23 hours ago
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