Whoever this Sgt. Kramer fellow is he is total f'ing masochist. 6 rounds of 10 squats with 2 minutes of rest is freaking brutal. We warmed up with some jump rope and then 3 rounds of 7 kte/7pullups and then a hydrant run. For the Sarge I did the following:
135x10, 155x10, 175x10, 165x10, 165x10 165x10. I think that I could do this at 175 straight across if I didn't feel like crap, but either way, I got a ton of volume in.
After we did some 400m sprints that were more like fast jogs. 1:30, 1:25, 1:15 with equal amounts of rest to run time. Overall it was a good day considering I am still at 80% or so.
One thing that has been crossing my mind is opening a restaurant. Maybe something where I can make healthy salads and dishes with a primal bent. No additives or unwanted foods in them. Not sure this is my calling but I am going to do some research.
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, Dry Fasting | THRR205
11 hours ago
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