Monday, September 29, 2008

Been a bit

So I have missed a few days. Last Thursday we did a team workout. It was row 250m, do as many 135lb C+J. I did 18 of the C+J's, which I was very proud of. Total of 15 minutes time.

On Saturday we did FGB - Score 307 - I was totally stoked with this score. My guess was that it was in the top 5 of scores.

Today we did deadlifts. I haven't heavy deadlifted in quite some time.

WU - 45lbx5 - 135X5 - 175x5
Sets - 225x5 - 245x5 - 255x5- 265x5 - 275x2

Awesome and so stoked about the fact that I did 5 times my previous 1RM.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Overhead Squats and Push Presses

On Tuesday (I missed Monday, didn't sleep so hot after the drinkfest at Bernard's place) Kevin was teaching and we did OH squats and weighted pushups. I can't remember my rounds but they weren't as good as I thought.

Today it was 3 rounds for time of 15 push presses (105 lbs), 20 air squats, hydrant run. Time 9:02. I didn't feel too bad about this. I was destroyed by the Push Presses on the last set. Everything else I was burning through, but either way I liked this. Looking forward to tomorrow's morning WOD.

So on Sunday night I was supposed to go see Juliet and the new kiddy but they ended up inviting me over for dinner at Bernard and Pam's house. Sooooooo awesome. We had Fred's Steak, which was absolutely amazing. I am actually going to make this for some friends of mine tomorrow for dinner. So excited.


Thursday, September 18, 2008

What the Hell was I thinking

Ok so I came to Crossfit for my fourth day in a row. What the hell was I thinking? Boz was out of town, so Angel was there to give us a torturous workout.

5 rounds of
15 power snatch
9 burpee box jumps


Couple of things here. I was snatching 75lbs. Probably could have done more, but we don't do this movement that often and I would rather be safe than sorry. On top of that it was my fourth straight day. I have never been more bruised in my life. My legs are black and blue from mid-shin to upper thigh. This week was killer with 135lb power cleans on Tuesday, deadlifts yesterday and snatches today, my legs are absolutely black and blue. I am soooooo ready to take a few days off. I know that my body needs it.

Secondly, I have been having this conversation with myself about why I am doing crossfit (at least at this intensity). I think I found the reason in the bathroom a few days ago. I walk into a public restroom and see this old man. He is not homeless, but he is about my size and build. He has a cane, is permanently hunched over, and one of his eye's is bloodshot. I have no idea what happened to this man during his life. However, I know that I want to do everything in my power to not be where he is when I am his age.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Chief!!! and some deadlifting

So last night was the Chief!! with KStar:

5 rounds of 3 minutes each with a 1 minute rest:

3 135lb cleans
6 Pushups
9 Squats

3.3, 3, 3, 3, 3

This was fun but tough. Seeing how this is the first time I have done that many 135 lb power cleans I was pretty stoked.

This morning was

3 rounds of Hydrant Run
12 185lb Deadlifts
21 box jumps

This was a pretty killer follow up to yesterday, but also fun.

I am still beginning to wonder about this transition I am making. At what point do I really need this much fitness? As I continue to push myself and these workouts get harder and harder, what is this really doing for me personally? Is this the chance to tackle difficult things that I have never done before? If that's the case, should I maybe be climbing instead? Or hiking half dome? Or is this me making sure if I get into some crazy situation I have the fitness I need to do whatever it is I am going to do. If that is the case, what is it that is actually going to happen? And will me being able to do 50 155lb C+J in a workout really mean the difference between life and death? It kinda reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where he is on a plane and he is demonstrating how reclining is death, and normal is life....Although, I recently found out that the reclining is death to the person behind you, because they might not be able to get out.

Anyway I am just babbling now. Thanks for listening internet.

Monday, September 15, 2008


Finally, I am posting again. I am going to be a little more religious, because I know that I have been slacking for the last month or so. Anyway, the program today was as follows:

Coach: Boz
WOD: 15 minutes - fence run, 15 Box jumps, 15 kb swings amrap

I think I did six plus a run, I know that I was one set behind Eric, he said he did 8, so in that case I did 7. Doesn't matter, it was alot, and it was with the infinitely heavier 62lb KB. That thing was much much harder than a 52er. Boz was on me to only rest for three seconds. This has been my biggest problem, too much rest.

This is actually an interesting time in my own personal crossfit development. I have gotten to the point where I should be increasing weight to get to the as rx weights, but I should also be moving into more of the hardcore non rest status. I am definitely still loving crossfit and everything that it is about, but I don't know if I want to be any more 'hardcore' than I already am. I come five days a week, always give it everything I have, eat well and enjoy the people. If I eek out that extra bit of time on a daily basis is it really going to make me any happier. Maybe from the standpoint that I actually did give every little ounce that I had.

I guess I will find out over the next two months.