Friday, August 22, 2008

I love Dumbells!!

Coach Kstar - 8/22/08

21 - 15 - 9

50 lb DB Push Presses
Fence run

Time - 12:30ish.

I was stoked because those are the heaviest DB's I have ever used. I was pissed because I didn't get to use the bar. That's ok, I can only keep getting stronger. BTW Meghan did great!! she beat my time. I am stoked though as I am finally moving today.

Grace Partitioned

Coach Boz - 8/20/08

I believe that this is "lets come up with ways to make sucky workouts suck more in a new and inventive way.

10 Cleans (115lbs)
10 burpees
10 jerks
10 burpees
10 C+J
10 burpees
10 jerks
10 burpees
10 cleans

- 13:55 - and then I wanted to pass out.

After we did some hollow rocks. Although I have lost some weight from the trip, it appears I have also lost some midline strength too. That blows.

Jack Sucks Balls


Coach - Hairy Kstar

Jack - (i.e. Jackie in a manly way)

Row uphill 500 meters (use 45lb plate for the incline) and downhill 500 meters
50 45lb bar clusters (cleans into thrusters)
30 deadhang pullups

13:40 ish

This sucked I am sorry. Welcome back to crossfit.

Monday, August 18, 2008

The Return to Crossfit 8/18/08

Coach Boz - WOD

With 2 people - Run to Hydrant - 30 KB swings and as many Box jumps you can do as the other person KB swings - 2 rounds total (so 60 KB swings and 4 runs). Score with most box jumps and time.

Time - 10 something (second group finished) 80 Box jumps (2nd most completed). We won.

After 30 seconds of hollow rock while the other person does K2E. About 27 total between me and Elliot.

Grand Canyon

I just got back from my two week vacay in the Grand Canyon. It was definitely the most beautiful place I have ever been, and by far the greatest vacation that I have ever taken. I really cannot say enough about it. I will post some pics tonight when I get home.

WOD - Row paddle boats for 5 hours a day for two weeks. Go on about 10 hikes in 90-100 degree weather.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


8/2/08 - Fran - 7:38

Friday, August 1, 2008

Pushing Lunges

8/1/08 - Coach Boz

Kstar was away because Jstar had to go to the hospital. I hope that she is doing ok. Anyway - the wod was:

5 rounds of
10 OH lunges Right then 10 Left - 45lbs overhead
15 pushups
Fence Run
Time - 12:43

This was really good. The weight was right and I snatched all of the weights up there before the OH lunges. Afterwards I tried to make up the squats from the previous day. It didn't go so well.

Warmup - 95x10, then 135x5 175x5f - Failed the 4th rep and gave up. I was done.